Monday, October 29, 2012

UNIF Hellbound Dupe!

I've been in love with the JC lita since 2009, and at that time I was on the search for a dupe. There are about a million out there now, but not then. Anyway, during my search, I came across what was considered to be the inspiration for the boots- the Charles Anastase Dungeon Boots! At that time I came across 2 diy for those boots. Anyway, I loved them, but they weren't being sold and I couldn't afford them anyway. I totally wanted to do the diy, but never did. Fast forward 2 years, a brand called UNIF comes out...and it happens to be owned by one of the bloggers for the DIY I saw in '09! The unif hellbound are soooo much like the original... but anyway, that blog post is down now, and the shoes are everywhere! They are crazyyyy expensive though.... I am not willing to spend $300 (with tax/customs) on such trendy shoes! Luckily, I found a pair that are super similar and 1/7 of the price! 

UNIF Hellboud, found here--

The dupes might have a lower heel or something... which is fine because the UNIF look sooo hard to walk in lol!
The Dupes, found here--

They are sooo cute! I hope I can get them soon!

- Cheers
xoxo, Ashley

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