Just a quick little post about my new London guide book. I am a deeply obsessed Anglophile. I've been obsessed since I was probably 5. I know, you're going to ask me... "have you been there?" Sorry, the answer is no. Oh, then you'll say "then how can you possibly know you love it?" To that question, I say, love is an emotion. Emotions are feelings. Feelings, by nature, are irrational. In the sense that you feel them. There is no need to reason when feeling. To claim that you need to have physically been some place etc to love it would be to claim that love is rational. It isn't. Therefore, I can feel whatever I want for England, and I feel love :)
Seriously, it boogles my mind when UK gurus say they love the US so much. I find that ridiculous. They live in Europe. Are you seriously kidding me? I mean, I am Canadian, and live close to the states, and there are some fab cities there. Still, if it is a question of being in Europe or NA... the answer is easy for me. You can get American Culture everywhere. The same cannot be said of the EU or anywhere else, on the same scale. Globalization has made sure of that lol. ANYWAYYYY! I love England. I also Love Canada (it also annoys me that foreign gurus always ignore Canada.. or forget about us. To them, I say, you're missing our my friends. You're missing out).
I am hoping to finally visit my dream land this May. I hope I can. It's been a long time coming. I've always wanted to go to France.... because I need to. Simple. lol! My France visit is long over due. I am afraid the French friends I've made have forgotten me by now, and the longer I wait, the higher the chance of it.
This little book will guide me around London town :) Well it's a start. Definitely have to do some more research before taking this dream trip of mine!
Any suggestions for London on a budget? Or Paris? I'd like to go all about the countries... but I simply have no time. Must make do with what i've got :)
- Ashley